Friends Annual Meeting is March 14

You are invited to the Friends of the Ashland Public Library annual meeting on March 14 from 1-3 pm at the Ashland Library Gresham Room.
We will review our accomplishments and goals, elect board members, and honor the Friend and the Business Partner of the Year.
The program will feature JPR’s Geoffrey Riley who will take us “Around the World in Five Days” on the Jefferson Exchange.

Geoffrey Riley
Riley is a New York native, with stints in broadcast news in Missouri, Alabama, and Wisconsin before his arrival in Oregon. He marked his tenth anniversary as the full-time host of the Jefferson Exchange at the end of 2019, and his 35th year as a Rogue Valley broadcaster followed soon after. He will talk about a typical week at the Jefferson Exchange and answer questions about his thirty-five years as a journalist in the State of Jefferson.
The public is invited and refreshments will be served.
Hope you can join us!